Reset your password
From the following modes available, choose one and complete 2nd Factor Authentication.
Email OTPs are disabled from this endpoint. Please contact IT team to update your mobile number if not present.
  • Minimum password length must be 8 characters.
  • At Least 3 of these characters in the password - Lower Alpha, Upper Alpha, Numeric and Special.
  • Passwords must not be the same as one of the last 5 passwords.
  • Passwords must contain at least 5 unique characters.
  • Avoid repeating characters and patterns (Tolerance- 2) in password- "oooggg" & "tytyty"
  • Avoid using common words like "Flipkart", "Flipcart" Or "Myntra/Mintra" in the passwords.
  • Passwords must not contain the user's display or logo name.
Go to PassIt portal for updating the password.
Click here should you have following questions.
* Changed your phone / uninstalled Google Authenticator app?
* Troubleshoot Google Authenticator related issues?
Click here should you have following questions.
* Mobile number (masked) is not my correct number. How should i update it?
* Troubleshoot an issue?

Click to fetch your mobile number and send OTP.